Do Your Ears Hang Low is a children’s song that has been sung for years at Scout and Brownies camps, at parties and in schools. There are several different melodies that can be used for the lyrics and there are actions that can be performed to go along with the song.
It’s believed to have derived from Turkey in the Straw by George Washington Dixon and is often sung to this tune as it allows the emphasis to be placed on the right words, making it an amusing and fun song to sing.
Although this song is often sung innocently by children, it wasn’t always this innocent. Ears were a later addition to the words, making it more family-friendly. More adult versions relating to other body parts were used previously, dating back to 1900. Soldiers in the First World War are said to have been heard singing the ruder lyrics as they marched!
Do Your Ears Hang Low Lyrics
Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie ’em in a knot?
Can you tie ’em in a bow?
Can you throw ’em o’er your shoulder
Like a Continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low?
Do your ears stand high?
Do they reach up to the sky?
Do they droop when they are wet?
Do they stiffen when they’re dry?
Can you wave them at your neighbor
With an element of flavor?
Do your ears stand high?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Can you use them as a mop?
Are they stringy at the bottom?
Are they curly at the top?
Can you use them for a swatter?
Can you use them for a blotter?
Do your ears flip-flop?
Do your ears stick out?
Can you waggle them about?
Can you flap them up and down
As you fly around the town?
Can you shut them up for sure
When you hear an awful bore?
Do your ears stick out?
Do your ears give snacks?
Are they all filled up with wax?
Do you eat it in the morning
Do you eat it in the bath?
Do you eat it with a scone
Or do you eat it on its own?
Do your ears give snacks?
Do your ears fall off?
Do they dangle when you cough?
Can you juggle them for fun?
And put them back when you are done?
Can you do some origami?
Can you chew them like salami?
Do your ears fall off?
Do Your Ears Hang Low Music Sheet