Down By the Banks of the Hanky Panky is a fun clapping game that is a bit like Musical Chairs – but without the chairs! It is usually played in a group of children to make the game even more fun and is a great game to play at parties or in the school playground due to its inclusive nature of it.
All the children stand in a circle, and while singing the rhyme, a clap is “passed” around the circle. The person who the clap lands on when the song ends is out, and the verse is sung again. The game is repeated until there are only two children left and the clapping changes to a push-and-pull handshake. The person who is pushing the hands away when the song ends will be declared the winner.
As the song nears the end, the clapping can get manically fast so it’s a great party game for lots of giggles!
Down By the Banks of the Hanky Panky Lyrics
Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky,
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky,
With a hip, hop, hippity, hop,
Leap off a lily pad and go KERPLOP!